News list for " heco"

The HECO network will be offline on January 15, 2025 and some HRC20 assets will be decommissioned

According to the official website, the HECO network will be offline on January 15, 2025, and some HRC20 assets will be cleared, namely HRC20ETH, HRC20TUSD, HRC20LINK, HRC20USDC, HRC20UNI, HRC20SHIB, HRC20HBTC, and HRC20USDT. HRC20 assets will be exchanged for points, and the earned points will be bound to the wallet address in the user's HECO account. It is planned to complete all point redemption and accounting by January 10, 2025, and convert the confirmed points to HTX.

2024-11-28 14:40:10
HECO 网络将于 2025 年 1 月 15 日下线并清退部分 HRC20 资产

据官方网站显示,HECO 网络将于 2025 年 1 月 15 日下线,并清退部分 HRC20 资产,即 HRC20ETH、HRC20TUSD、HRC20LINK、HRC20USDC、HRC20UNI、HRC20SHIB、HRC20HBTC 和 HRC20USDT。 HRC20 资产将兑换成为积分,所得积分将与用户 HECO 账户中的钱包地址绑定。计划于 2025 年 1 月 10 日前完成所有积分兑换和核算,并将确认后的积分转换 HTX。

2024-11-28 14:40:10


2024-06-07 10:18:31
HECO/HTX attackers have deposited an additional 500 ETHs into Tornado Cash

CertiK stated on the X platform that HECO/HTX attackers have deposited an additional 500 ETHs (approximately $1.6 million) into Tornado Cash. This morning, funds were transferred from a wallet bridge related to vulnerability exploiters on the TRON chain to an Ethereum address. Currently, the attacker still holds 334.97 ETHs.

2024-04-05 11:24:14
HECO/ HTX攻击者已将另外500枚ETH存入Tornado.Cash

CertiK在X平台表示,HECO/ HTX攻击者已将另外500枚ETH(约合160万美元)存入Tornado.Cash。今日早间,资金从TRON链上与漏洞利用者相关的钱包桥接到以太坊地址,目前攻击者仍持有334.97枚ETH。

2024-04-05 11:24:14
HECO attacker's address has transferred 4.7 million TRX to a new address

According to PeckShield monitoring, the addresses marked by HECO attackers have transferred approximately 4.7 million TRX (valued at approximately $566500) to the new address TWetBM... Dk2S. In addition, approximately 581000 TRX (valued at $704200) have been transferred to TFUasM at this address CWD.

2024-04-01 09:24:29


2024-04-01 09:24:29
HECO Bridge攻击者近8天已向Tornado Cash转移超4万枚ETH,约合1.457亿美元

OdPeckShieldAlert 监测显示,HECO Bridge 攻击者近 8 天内已向匿名混币服务 Tornado Cash 转移了 40391.8 ETH,约合 1.457 亿美元。

2024-03-22 08:48:52
派盾:HECOBridge攻击者地址已将约1000枚ETH转至Tornado Cash

Od据派盾监测,HECOBridge 攻击者相关地址已将约 1000 枚 ETH(约合 360 万美元)转移至到 Tornado Cash。

2024-03-19 06:34:16
派盾:HECO Bridge攻击者48小时内已将5590枚ETH转至TornadoCash

Od据派盾监测,标记为 HECO Bridge 攻击者的地址在过去 48 小时内已将约 5,590.3 枚 ETH(价值约合 2200 万美元)转移至 TornadoCash 。HECO Bridge 于去年 11 月 22 日遭受黑客攻击,导致总损失约 1.11 亿美元(截至转账当天)。

2024-03-15 03:52:34
派盾:HECOBridge攻击者相关地址已通过Tornado Cash洗钱200万美元

Od据派盾监测,地址 0xb517…eA5Cf 已经将 500 枚 ETH(约 200 万美元)发送至 Tornado Cash 进行洗钱。 今日早些时候消息,上述地址收到了来自“HECOBridge Exploiter 7”地址的约 73.5 枚 ETH。在此之前,该地址在 5 小时前收到了 633 枚 ETH(约合 240 万美元),这些资金可以追溯到“HECOBridge Exploiter 19”地址。

2024-03-14 09:28:49

Od据派盾监测,新地址 0xb517…eA5Cf 最近收到了来自“HECOBridge Exploiter 7”地址的约 73.5 枚 ETH。 在此之前,该地址在 5 小时前收到了 633 枚 ETH(约合 240 万美元)。这些资金可以追溯到“HECOBridge Exploiter 19”地址,该地址涉及约 790 亿枚 SHIB 兑换。

2024-03-14 09:14:59
HECO Bridge攻击者将200枚ETH转至Tornado Cash

Od据派盾监测,HECO Bridge 攻击者地址已将 200 枚 ETH 转至 Tornado Cash。

2024-03-14 02:38:55
HECOBridge攻击者将231枚ETH转移至Tornado Cash

Od据 PeckShield 监测,HECOBridge 攻击者标签地址已将 231 枚 ETH 转移至 Tornado Cash。

2024-03-13 14:27:58